Just to get this thing started.....
Here's Bill's email with the details about the most recent budget cuts at UNR and how they are going to affect the chapter.
So here's the updated situation. The Greek life office has beencut, so now we are reporting to the clubs and organizationscoordinater Sally Morgan, who just happens to be the biggest CUNT onthe university payroll. Sally Morgan has a history of dislike forthe greek system, so she will come down hard on us (and anyotherfrats) who committ relationship agreement infractions. Greek weekevents, leadership retreats, and other University sponsered greekevents have been canceled. We have lost the IFC university rushbudget, which wasn't much but now it comes out of our pockets. Andsince we still can't even afford the $1000 to pay for our 2007composites, it's going to hurt us even more. So far intermurals hasnot been cut, but it is on a very long list of programs that maystill be cut. And since the University has already cut the marchingband, everything seems to be fair game. I do see this as anopportunity for us to become stronger leaders and to take care ofourselves. My biggest worry is that it only increases the chancesthat the whole program could fall apart. In a year, I too will be analumni, and it will become increasingly more important for thealumni to raise flags when they observe the fraternity weakening. Iwould like to see more alumni at meetings, even if it is just once asemester, just so these kinds of opinions can be voiced in theproper settings. I will keep you all updated as I get moreinformation.
YITB-Bill Baker 439
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